Secondary Education

Secondary Education 4+1 Accelerated Bachelor's to Masters

Those interested in becoming a high school or middle school teacher need only contact the EDU department to find a plan that may work. A student can major in any area. We will review your transcripts and craft a master's program that gets you into the classroom in a short amount of time.

  • For the AMP, students can apply by emailing Max Engel, PhD 
  • AMP Courses: EDU 170 is a Pre or Co--requisite for EDU 595
  • EDU 595: spring/fall, junior or senior year
  • EDU/PSY 510: spring senior year
  • EDU 525: spring senior year (Online)

Field Endorsements

Field endorsements are offered in:

Subject Endorsements

Subject endorsements are offered in: 

The undergraduate program in secondary school teaching enables you to obtain a teaching certificate to teach in public, 天主教, or other private schools.