Mark V . Siracuse, BSPha, MS, PharmD, PhD

Chair, 部门 of 医药科学


M Siracuse


药学院 and 健康的职业
学院-药剂学,OT, PT
Pharmaceutical 科学 (Master of Science)
BOYN - Boyne - 145

Mark V . Siracuse, BSPha, MS, PharmD, PhD

Chair, 部门 of 医药科学


Dr. 锡拉丘兹是皇冠体育博彩大学药学与卫生专业学院药学科学系的教授兼副主任. He is a member of the Creighton Center for 卫生服务研究 and 患者安全 (CHRP).  Dr. Siracuse received a Bachelors in 药店 from the University of Connecticut, a PharmD from the University of Michigan, and a Masters and PhD in Social and 管理药店 from the University of Minnesota. 1996年,博士. Siracuse completed a fellowship in Pharmacoeconomics with the PRIME Institute at the University of Minnesota, 赫斯特·马里昂·鲁塞尔, 和安泰药房管理公司. Dr. 锡拉丘兹是AFPE会员. His research interests include economic issues related to pharmaceuticals and pharmacy benefits, 患者安全, and health information technology. Dr. Siracuse has been on faculty at 皇冠体育博彩大学 for over 15 years, where he teaches courses in Health Care Systems and 患者安全, 药学实践管理, 药物. Dr. 锡拉丘兹大学参加了由医疗保健研究与质量局(AHRQ)资助的三项联邦研究,这些研究的重点是医疗信息技术和患者安全, as well as numerous other privately funded studies. Dr. Siracuse has participated in federal grant review panels for AHRQ and the 中心 for Disease Control (CDC).  Dr. 锡拉丘兹一直是美国药剂师协会杂志编辑顾问委员会的成员, and is currently a member of the 皇冠体育博彩大学 Institutional Review Board. 2012年,Dr。. 锡拉丘兹完成了由美国药学院协会赞助的学术领导研究员计划. Dr. Siracuse has practiced as a pharmacist in numerous community retail pharmacies, a university operated home infusion therapy pharmacy, and managed care at a 药店 Benefit Manager.


Economic and Public Policy Issues related to Pharmaceuticals, 健康资讯科技, 患者安全, 药房福利经理, 及药学学生事宜





  • 麦格劳-希尔
    Siracuse MV. “Applications in Managed Care and Specialty Environments,” 药店 Management: Essentials for All Practice Settings, 纽约,


  • Journal of American College Health
    Waghmare PH, Siracuse MV, Ohri LK, 树莓JD. “Addressing Attitudes and Behavior of University Students Towards Influenza Vaccination” 2020
  • 社会研究 & 管理药店
    Facciolo F, Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 富士KT, 树莓JD. Independent 社区 Pharmacies Provision of Enhanced Services: A Mixed Methods Study' 2020
  • Journal of the American Pharmacists Association
    Thakur T, 高尔特KA, Siracuse MV, 富士KT, 树莓JD. 《皇冠体育博彩》
    60, p. 336-343 2020
  • 药学创新
    Clark BE和Siracuse MV. Third-Year 药店 Students’ 药店 Service Orientation,” in preparation to be submitted. 2017
  • 药学创新
    Siracuse MV 和Clark BE.  Third-Year 药店 Students’ Work Experience and Attitudes.
    8(2), p. 2017年第16条
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Gleason BL, Siracuse MV, Moniri NH, Birnie CR, Okamoto CT, Crouch MA. “The Evolving Landscape of Pre-Professional 药店 Curricula,” (Journal acceptance rate: 48 – 53%)
    77, p. 95 2013
  • 农村卫生杂志
    树莓JD, 雅培AA, 富士KT, 复活节的KA, Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA. 提供者和护士的患者安全观点:使用电子病历和电子处方的农村门诊护理实践的经验,”
    29(4), p. 383-391 2013
  • Journal of Healthcare Engineering
    高尔特K. A.富士,K. T.林西奇,A.布兰布尔,J. D.锡拉丘兹,M.帕恰尔,K. A.阿博特,A. A. 医生使用PDA:它们如何适应新兴技术和办公实践中电子健康记录的使用?
    3, p. 163-178 2012
  • 卫生服务研究
    高尔特K. A.富士,K. T.布兰布尔,J. D.阿博特,A. A.锡拉丘兹,M. V.帕斯卡,K. A.卡莎,T. A. Mixed Methods Case Study: Exploring 安全 Issues in Rural Medical Practices Using Electronic Health Records. 2012
  • 创造性的教育
    Hamilton WR, Clark BE, Padron VA, Kelley AL, Hedlund DA, Siracuse MV. “A Novel Virtual 药店 Examination Format and Student Self-Perceptions in Making Nonprescription Product,”
    3(4), p. 588-594 2012
  • Perspectives in health information management / AHIMA, American Health Information Management Association
    富士K. T.高尔特,K. A.锡拉丘兹,马克五世.克里斯托弗森,J. S. Electronic health record adoption and use by nebraska pharmacists
    8, p. 1-9 2011
  • 内布拉斯加州臼和杵
    Siracuse, M. V.高尔特,K. A. E-Prescribing: What Pharmacists and Physicians Should Know
    73, p. 28-32 2010
  • 卫生保健管理评审
    詹姆斯·D·布兰布尔.高尔特,金,A.锡拉丘兹,马克五世.艾博特,艾米.林西奇,Andjela帕斯卡,卡伦A.,富士,凯文·T. 医师执业特点与医师采用电子病历的关系
    35, p. 55-64 2010
  • 卫生保健管理评审
    树莓,J. D.高尔特,K. A.锡拉丘兹,M. V.阿博特,A. A.富士,K. T. he Relationship of Physician Practice Characteristics and Physician Adoption of Electronic Health Records.
    35, p. 55-64 2010
  • 社会研究 & 管理药店
    克拉克,B. E.锡拉丘兹,M. V.粗毛,R. I. A comparison of mail-service and retail community pharmacy claims in 5 prescription benefit plans
    5, p. 133-142 2009
  • American Journal of Health-System 药店
    Siracuse, M. V.克拉克,B. E.粗毛,R. I. Undocumented source of pharmacy benefit manager revenue
    65, p. 552-557 2008
  • 卫生服务研究
    Siracuse, M. V.武契奇,P. J. Impact of Medicaid prior authorization requirement for COX-2 inhibitor drugs in Nebraska
    43, p. 435-450 2008
  • American Journal of Health-System 药店
    Siracuse MV, Clark BE, Garis RI. “Undocumented source of pharmacy benefit manager revenue,” (Journal acceptance rate: 55%)
    65, p. 552-557 2008
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Siracuse MV, Sowell JG. “Doctor of 药店 Students’ Use of Personal Digital Assistants,” (Journal acceptance rate: 48 – 53%)
    72, p. 07-07 2008
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Siracuse MVSchondelmeyer, SW, Hadsall RS, and Schommer JC. “Third-Year 药店 Students’ Work Experience and Attitudes and Perceptions of the 药店 Profession,” (Journal acceptance rate: 48 – 53%)
    72, p. 第五十条2008
  • 卫生保健的进展
    高尔特,金伯利.帕斯卡,卡伦A.阿博特,A. A.林西奇,Andjela锡拉丘兹,马克五世.布兰布尔,J. D.规则A. M. 隐私, 安全, 国家卫生信息网络:国家层面利益相关者意识的混合方法案例研究
    7, p. 165-189 2008
  • 卫生保健的进展 Management
    树莓,J. D.锡拉丘兹,M. V.高尔特,K. A. Examining Barriers to 健康资讯科技 (HIT) Adoption., p. 191-209 2008
  • 临床治疗
    Morrato E. H.多德,S。.奥达,G.哈克斯比,D. G.艾伦,R.Valuck, R. J.锡拉丘兹,M. V. 患病率, 利用模式, and Predictors of Antipsychotic Polypharmacy: Experience in a Multistate Medicaid Population,
    29, p. 183-195 2007
  • AHRQ Advances in 患者安全: From Research to Implementation
    高尔特KA, 一个规则, Taylor W, Siracuse MV, 树莓JD, Rich EC, Young W, Clark B, Houghton B. “The Impact of Personal Digital Assistant Devices on Medication 安全 in Primary Care.”
    3, p. 247-263 2005
  • AHRQ Advances in 患者安全: From Research to Implementation
    高尔特K. A.锡拉丘兹,M. V.规则A. M.克拉克,B. E.泰勒,W. Instrument development: physician adoption of hand held computer use.
    4, p. 93-108 2005
  • 伊利诺斯州的药剂师.
    粗毛,R. I.克拉克,B. E.锡拉丘兹,M. V. Shining the Light on Non-Transparent PBM Cash Flows. 2005
  • UPNI新闻
    粗毛,R. I.克拉克,B. E.锡拉丘兹,M. V. Shining the Light on Non-Transparent PBM Cash Flows. 2005
  • 美国药剂师(美国)
    粗毛,R. I.克拉克,B. E.锡拉丘兹,M. V. 不透明的PBM现金流
    126, p. 20-25 2004
  • 内布拉斯加州臼和杵
    粗毛,R. I.克拉克,B. E.锡拉丘兹,M. V. Shining the light on non-transparent PBM cash flows
    67, p. 23-28 2004
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education
    Siracuse, M. V.Schondelmeyer, S. W.哈索尔,R. S.Schommer, J. C. Assessing career aspirations of pharmacy students
    68, p. 2004年第75条
  • American Journal of Health-System 药店
    粗毛,R. I.克拉克,B. E.锡拉丘兹,M. V.Makoid, M. C. Examining the value of pharmacy benefit management companies
    61, p. 81-85 2004


  • 树莓JD, Hejlek M, 高尔特KA, Siracuse MV阿博特,AA, 富士KT, 复活节的KA, 麦粥T. AHRQ医疗办公室对Thayer县卫生系统患者安全的调查:调查结果和发现摘要. 奥马哈市东北: Center for 卫生服务研究 and 患者安全 2011
  • 高尔特KA, 富士KT, Kaczmarek RD, Berens D, Stone S, Clark BE, Siracuse MV, 树莓JD. “状态 of 患者安全 in Nebraska 药店,” Report prepared for the Nebraska 状态 Board of 药店. 2008
  • 高尔特KA, 树莓JD, Siracuse MV, Drincic一, 复活节的KA, 雅培AA, 富士KT, 麦粥TA. 《皇冠体育博彩》,” Report prepared for the South Dakota 状态 Medical Association. 2008
  • 高尔特KA, 树莓JD, Siracuse MV, Drincic一, 复活节的KA, 雅培AA, 富士KT, 麦粥TA. “Status of 健康资讯科技 in Nebraska: Focus on Electronic Health Records in Physician Offices,” Report prepared for the Nebraska Medical Association. 2008
  • 高尔特KA, 约翰逊年代, 安德森D, 格洛弗维, Mahlman D, 麦粥T, Drincic一, 复活节的K, 树莓JD, Siracuse MV, 一个规则, 阿博特一, 富士KT. “How Many Physicians have Adopted Electronic Health Records in Nebraska? An Update on the Nebraska Medical Association Project,” EHRNebraska. 2007
  • HCI国际2005
    高尔特K. A.布兰布尔,J. D.规则A. M.锡拉丘兹,M. V.泰勒,W. S. Impact of PDA-based ePrescribing adoption on medication safety in ambulatory care, p. 1-9 2005


  • Facciolo F, Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 富士KT, 树莓JD. "社区 Pharmacists' Work Activities, 挑战, and Solutions to the Provision of Patient-Centered Care in Nebraska. AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting. 波士顿,马萨诸塞州(虚拟). 海报. 2020
  • Facciolo F, Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 富士KT, 树莓JD. "社区 Pharmacists' Work Activities, 挑战, and Solutions to the Provision of Patient-Centered Care in Nebraska," American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, 国家港口, MD; (virtual). Abstract published in the Journal of the American Pharmacists Association, Volume 60 (3). 也接受St。. Albert's Day Research Forum, 皇冠体育博彩大学, 奥马哈市东北; (conference cancelled). 海报. 2020
  • Facciolo F, Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 富士KT, 树莓JD. "社区 Pharmacists' Work Activities, 挑战, and Solutions to the Provision of Patient-Centered Care in Nebraska," Global Health Conference Midwest, 奥马哈市东北. 海报. 2020
  • Omuri JO, 高尔特KA, 富士KT, Siracuse MV, 树莓JD. "What Process Forms 'Good' Policy? HIV/AIDS药品管理政策发展的扎根理论——比较美国和南非," Global Health Conference Midwest, 奥马哈市东北. 海报. 2020
  • Siracuse MV. "Psychometric Evaluation of the Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plan Disenrollment Reasons Survey," CHRP Research Methods Journal Club, 皇冠体育博彩大学, 奥马哈市东北. 讲台上. 2019
  • Facciolo F, 高尔特KA, Siracuse MV. "社区 Pharmacists' Work Activities and Solutions to the Provision of Patient Care in Nebraska," Global Health Conference Midwest, 奥马哈市东北; February 16, 2019. 也在St。. Albert's Day Research Forum, 皇冠体育博彩大学, 奥马哈市东北; April 2, 2019. 海报. 2019
  • Waghmare PH, Siracuse MV, Ohri LK, 树莓JD, Kaufman T. 《皇冠体育》, Attitudes and Behavior of University Students towards Influenza Vaccination," Immunization task force of 奥马哈, 奥马哈市东北. 2018年海报
  • Waghmare PH, Siracuse MV, Ohri LK, 树莓JD, Kaufman T. 卫生专业学生对流感疫苗接种的看法:中西部一所私立大学的调查," ISPOR 23rd Annual International Meeting, 巴尔的摩, MD. 2018年海报
  • Ohri LK, Waghmare PH, Siracuse MV, 树莓JD, Kaufman T. 美国中西部一所私立学校对学生对流感免疫的态度和行为进行了一项在线调查.S. University," National Immunization Conference, Atlanta, GA. 讲台上2018
  • Waghmare PH, Siracuse MV, Ohri LK, 树莓JD, Kaufman T. 《皇冠体育》, Attitudes and Behavior of University Students towards Influenza Vaccination," St. Albert's Day Research Forum, 皇冠体育博彩大学, 奥马哈市东北. 讲台上2018
  • Castro J, Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 树莓JD, Kaufman T. "Hepatitis C in state prisons: considerations that impact pharmaceutical drug treatments," St. Albert's Day Research Forum, 皇冠体育博彩大学, 奥马哈市东北. 2018年海报
  • Waghmare PH, Siracuse MV, Ohri LK, 树莓JD, Kaufman T. 《皇冠体育》, Attitudes and Behavior of University Students towards Influenza Vaccination," American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, 纳什维尔, TN. 2018年海报
  • Castro J, Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 树莓JD, Kaufman T. "Hepatitis C in state prisons: considerations that impact pharmaceutical drug treatments," American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, 纳什维尔, TN. 2018年海报
  • Waghmare PH, Siracuse MV, Ohri LK, 树莓JD, Kaufman T. "Addressing Students' Hesitancy towards Influenza Vaccination at a Private Midwestern University," Global Health Conference Midwest, 奥马哈市东北. 2018年海报
  • Thakur TM, 高尔特KA, Siracuse MV, 富士KT, 树莓JD. "Pharmacists and Diabetes Self-Management Education/ Training programs," AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, 新奥尔良, LA. 2017年海报
  • Waghmare PH, Siracuse MV, Ohri LK, 树莓JD. "Effectiveness and 成本 of Influenza Vaccines in the United 状态s: A Review," American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists-American Chemical Society Regional collaborative event, 皇冠体育博彩大学, 奥马哈市东北. 2017年海报
  • Castro J, Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 树莓JD. 一项混合方法研究考虑决策者用于决定国家监狱中感染丙型肝炎病毒患者的药物治疗," St. Albert's Day Research Forum, 皇冠体育博彩大学, 奥马哈市东北. 2017年海报
  • Castro J, Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 树莓JD. 一项混合方法研究考虑决策者用于决定国家监狱中感染丙型肝炎病毒患者的药物治疗," American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, 旧金山, CA. 2017年海报
  • Thakur TM, 高尔特KA, Siracuse MV, 富士KT, 树莓JD. 美国药剂师参与糖尿病自我管理教育和培训计划:药剂师协调员的观点," American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, 旧金山, CA. 2017年海报
  • Castro J, Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 树莓JD. 国家监狱中丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染者药物治疗的决策者考虑因素——一项混合方法研究," Midwest Global Health Conference, 皇冠体育博彩大学, 奥马哈市东北. 2017年海报
  • Thakur TM, 高尔特KA, Siracuse MV, 富士KT, 树莓JD. 药师参与糖尿病自我管理教育(DSME/T)项目-一项混合方法研究," American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, 丹佛, CO. 2016年海报
  • Siracuse MV. "药店 A Prescription for a Rewarding Career," Truman 状态 University American Chemistry Society Seminar Series, Kirksville, MO; podium 2016
  • Thakur TM, 高尔特KA, 富士KT, 树莓JD, Siracuse MV. 药师参与糖尿病自我管理教育项目(DSME) -一项混合方法的研究," Midwest Social and 管理药店 Conference, 安阿伯, MI; podium 2016
  • Alsharif NZ, 雅培AA, Blanchard SA, Budesheim TL, Jarding G, 复活节的KA, Siracuse MV, Kaufman T. 开展可比较的多学科调查,使医疗保健提供者在向不同人群提供医疗服务时更加敏感," American Association of 大学 of 药店 Annual Meeting, 阿纳海姆, CA; poster 2016
  • Siracuse MV, Black LL, Cochran T, Furze JA, Gale JR, Qi Y. “针对药学和其他医疗保健专业学生的社区参与调查的开发和验证”," American Association of 大学 of 药店 Annual Meeting, 阿纳海姆, CA; poster 2016
  • 富士KT, 高尔特KA, Siracuse MV, 树莓JD, 雅培AA, 复活节的KA, Kaufman T. “农村门诊诊所电子病历与电子处方对安全和质量影响的认知”," AcademyHealth Annual Research Meeting, 波士顿, MA; 讲台上 2016
  • Thakur T, 高尔特KA, 树莓JD, 富士KT, Siracuse MV. 药师参与糖尿病自我管理教育(DSME)计划:一项混合方法研究," St. Alberts Day Research Forum, 皇冠体育博彩大学, 奥马哈市东北; 讲台上 2016
  • Siracuse MV. "药店 A Prescription for a Rewarding Career," St. Louis University Life 科学 Learning 社区, St. Louis, MO; 讲台上 2016
  • 富士KT, 高尔特KA, Siracuse MV, 树莓JD, 雅培AA, 复活节的KA, 麦粥T. 农村门诊诊所电子病历和电子处方使用对安全和质量的影响," American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, 巴尔的摩, MD; poster 2016
  • Jarding G, 雅培AA, Alsharif NA, Blanchard SA, Budesheim TL, 复活节的KA, Siracuse MV. 开发和验证一项调查工具,以衡量医疗保健提供者在向不同患者群体提供服务时的偏见," American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, 巴尔的摩, MD; poster 2016
  • Black LL, Cochran T, Furze JA, Gale JR, Siracuse MV, Qi Y. 物理治疗和其他医疗专业学生社区参与调查工具的开发和验证," American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, 阿纳海姆, CA; 讲台上 2016
  • Siracuse MV和Bradberry JC. "UPM University Prescription Management," Association of Jesuit 大学 and Universities Annual Meeting of Human 资源 Professionals, 马凯特大学, 密尔沃基, WI; 讲台上2015
  • 锡拉丘兹MV和克拉克BE. "Factors Influencing Career Aspirations of Third-Year 药店 Students," American Association of 大学 of 药店 Annual Meeting, 国家港口, MD. 2015年海报
  • Clark BE和Siracuse MV. "Development of 药店 Students Professionalism," American Association of 大学 of 药店 Annual Meeting, 国家港口, MD. 2015年海报
  • Siracuse MV. "National Hospital Ratings Systems Share Few Common Scores and may Generate confusion Instead of Clarity,皇冠体育博彩大学卫生服务研究和患者安全中心(CHRP)研究方法杂志俱乐部, 奥马哈. 讲台上2015
  • Clark BE和Siracuse MV. "药店 Service Orientation of Third-Year PharmD Students Workplaces," American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, 圣地亚哥, CA. 2015年海报
  • Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 富士KT, 雅培AA, 树莓JD, 复活节的KA. "Perceptions on Electronic Health Record 安全 and Quality in Rural Ambulatory Clinics," Academy Annual Research Meeting, 圣地亚哥, CA. 2014年海报
  • Siracuse MV. "Pharmacoeconomics," NAPLEX Review session, 皇冠体育博彩大学 药学院. 奥马哈市东北. (受邀)2014年领奖台
  • Siracuse MV. “卫生保健系统/历史 & Health Care Reform," NAPLEX Review session, 皇冠体育博彩大学 药学院. 奥马哈,东北部(受邀). 讲台上2014
  • Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 雅培AA, 富士KT, 树莓JD, 复活节的KA. "Perceptions on e-prescribing 安全 and Quality," St. Albert's Day Forum, 皇冠体育博彩大学. 2014年海报
  • Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 雅培AA, 富士KT, 树莓JD, 复活节的KA. "Perceptions on e-prescribing 安全 and Quality," American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, 奥兰多, FL. 2014年海报
  • Siracuse MV. “对农村门诊使用电子处方的电子健康记录安全性和质量的看法。,皇冠体育博彩大学卫生服务研究和患者安全中心(CHRP)研究方法杂志俱乐部, 奥马哈市东北. 讲台上2014
  • 锡拉丘兹MV和富士KT. "Perspectives on the 患者安全 Problem in Health Care,伦理会议2013, 南苏城, NE. (受邀)2013年领奖台
  • Wilson AF, Begley KJ, Monaghan MS, Siracuse MV, Limpach AL. "The IRD Model of Curricular Structure: Evidence of Effectiveness." Creighton School poster at American Association of 大学 of 药店 Annual Meeting, 芝加哥, IL. 2013年海报
  • Siracuse MV. “卫生保健系统/历史 & Health Care Reform (2010)," NAPLEX Review session, 皇冠体育博彩大学 药学院. 奥马哈市东北. (邀请). 讲台上2013
  • Siracuse MV. "Pharmacoeconomics," NAPLEX Review session, 皇冠体育博彩大学 药学院. 奥马哈市东北. (受邀)2013年领奖台
  • Siracuse MV. "药店 a Prescription for a Rewarding Career," Presented to 11th and 12th grade student in AP Chemistry at VJ and Angela Skutt Catholic High School, 奥马哈市东北. (受邀)2013年领奖台
  • Siracuse MV. "Leapfrog Group Findings about the Greater 奥马哈 Area," 患者安全 and Quality Assurance at the Creighton 医学院 领导 Development Program. 奥马哈市东北. (受邀)2013年领奖台
  • Birnie CR, Crouch MA, Gleason BL, Moniri NH, Okamoto C, Siracuse MV. "The Evolving Landscape of Pre-Professional 药店 Curricula," American Association of 大学 of 药店 Annual Meeting. FL基. 讲台上2012
  • Hamilton WR, Padron VA, Clark BE, Siracuse MV. "Virtual 药店 Examination and Students Self-Perceptions of Confidence, 能力, and Comfort in OTC Recommendations," American Association of 大学 of 药店 Annual Meeting, FL基. 2012年海报
  • Siracuse MV. “卫生保健系统/历史 & Health Care Reform (2010)," NAPLEX Review session, 皇冠体育博彩大学 药学院. 奥马哈市东北. (受邀)2012年领奖台
  • Siracuse MV. "Pharmacoeconomics," NAPLEX Review session, 皇冠体育博彩大学 药学院. 奥马哈市东北. (受邀)2012年领奖台
  • Siracuse MV. 药物短缺经济学," 皇冠体育博彩大学 Grand Rounds presentation, 皇冠体育博彩大学 医学院. 奥马哈市东北. (受邀)2012年领奖台
  • Hebda, M和Siracuse MV. "Impact of the Withdrawal of Propoxyphene from the U.S. 市场,”圣. Alberts Day Research Forum, 皇冠体育博彩大学. 2012年海报
  • Green E, Alsharif NZ, Siracuse MV. “开发和验证一项调查工具,以衡量药剂师/药房实习生在为不同患者群体提供服务时的偏见。," St. Alberts Day Research Forum, 皇冠体育博彩大学. 2012年海报
  • Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 富士KT, 树莓JD, 复活节的KA, 雅培AA. "Impact of e-prescribing on Rural Pharmacies and Medical Clinics," American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, 新奥尔良, LA. 2012
  • Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, 富士KT, 树莓JD, 复活节的KA, 雅培AA. "Impact of e-prescribing on Rural Pharmacies and Medical Clinics," American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, 新奥尔良, LA. 2012年海报
  • 锡拉丘兹MV和克拉克BE. "Evaluation of a Presentation Project in a 药学实践管理 Course," American Association of 大学 of 药店 Annual Meeting and Seminars, 圣安东尼奥, TX. 2011年海报
  • 复活节的KA, Hafenbrack医学博士, Kirkham C, Lym一, Siracuse MV, 雅培AA, 树莓JD, 富士KT, 高尔特KA, 麦粥T. "健康资讯科技 Adoption in Physical Therapy Practice," World Confederation of Physical Therapy, 阿姆斯特丹, 荷兰. 2011年海报
  • 复活节的KA, Hafenbrack医学博士, Kirkham C, Lym一, Siracuse MV, 雅培AA, 树莓JD, 富士KT, 高尔特KA, 麦粥T. "健康资讯科技 Adoption in Physical Therapy Practice," American Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference and Expo, 国家港口, MD. 2011年海报
  • Siracuse MV. "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010," American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists, 皇冠体育博彩大学 药学院. 奥马哈市东北. (受邀)2010年领奖台
  • Siracuse MV. "Pharmacoeconomics," NAPLEX Review session, 皇冠体育博彩大学 药学院. 奥马哈市东北. (受邀)2010年领奖台
  • Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, Drincic一, 树莓JD, 富士KT, 复活节的KA. "E-prescribing: Are Medicare Incentive Payments Enough to Encourage Adoption by Physicians?" St. Albert's Day 海报 Forum, 皇冠体育博彩大学 - 2010年海报
  • Siracuse MV, 高尔特KA, Drincic一, 树莓JD, 富士KT, 复活节的KA. "E-prescribing: Are Medicare Incentive Payments Enough to Encourage Adoption by Physicians?" American Pharmacists Association Annual Meeting and Exposition, Washington, DC. 2010年海报


  • 农村初级保健诊所电子病历安全和质量问题测量工具的验证

  • 药剂师保障病人安全

  • 健康资讯科技 Adoption in Physical Therapy Practice

  • 桥梁资金申请继续核心教师整合和发展克赖顿健康服务研究项目(CHRP)

  • An Initial Evaluation of Medication Therapy Management (MTM) Services in the Upper Midwest

  • Research and Development Program in Health Care Quality and 安全

  • 内布拉斯加州医疗补助计划非甾体抗炎药事先批准后处方药使用的变化

  • Economic disparities in the pharmacy benefit management (PBM) industry

  • Your 药店 Future – Factors Influencing the Career Aspirations of 药店 Students

  • Future of 药店 Practice Project


  • Creighton Research Infrastructure Program to Achieve Sustainability Project

  • 皇冠体育博彩卫生服务研究发展项目-建设研究基础设施和能力(金砖四国)计划

  • Impact of personal digital assistant devices on medication errors in primary care


  • 药剂师保障病人安全

  • Real Choice Quality Assurance: Program Development and Evaluation


  • 药学博士学生对手持设备的接受:扩展接受和使用技术的统一理论(UTAUT)以解释与学习相关的态度

  • Investigation of Spread Pricing in the 药店 Benefit Management (PBM) Industry

  • Your 药店 Future – Factors Influencing the Career Aspirations of 药店 Students

  • Academic 领导 Fellows Program (ALFP) - American Association of 大学 of 药店
    American Association of 大学 of 药店
  • Scholarly Achievement Award -皇冠体育博彩大学 药学院 and 健康的职业
    皇冠体育博彩大学 药学院 Heqalth Professions
  • American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education Pre-Doctoral Fellowship
    American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education / United 状态s Pharmacopeia
  • 药物经济学奖学金- Marion Merrell Dow/明尼苏达大学PRIME研究所/Aetna药房管理
    University of Minnesota (PRIME Institute)/赫斯特·马里昂·鲁塞尔/Aetna 药店 Management
  • Rhone-Poulenc Rorer/Drug Topics Scholarship Award
    University of Michigan College of 药店


  • 药房福利顾问
    1998 - 1999
  • 药房福利顾问
    PRIME Institute and UCARE Minnesota
    1997 - 1999