内森 K . Pennington, PhD

Chair, 部门 of 数学, College of Arts and 科学

Associate Professor


College of Arts and 科学
HLSB - Hixson Lied Science Building - 535

内森 K . Pennington, PhD

Chair, 部门 of 数学, College of Arts and 科学

Associate Professor

Research Focus

Partial Differential Equations, Differential Geometry




Associate Professor


  • Minnesota Journal of Undergraduate 数学
    Vanishing Viscosity limits for the MHD-alpha system 2018
  • Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications
    Vanishing Viscosity Limits for a generalized MHD system
    Volume 38, 2017, p. 171-183 2016
  • Nonlinear Analysis Series A: Theory, Methods, and Applications
    Global solutions to the generalized Leray-alpha equation with mixed dissipation terms
    Volume 136, 2016, p. 102-116 2016
    Feral Cat Population Control 2016
  • Electronic Journal of Differential Equations
    Local and global low regularity solutions to generalized Leray-alpha equations
    2015, no. 170, p. 1-24 2015
  • Non-L^2(R^n) Global Solutions to a generalized Leray-alpha equation.


  • Title: Modeling in an Integrated 数学 and Physics course. 2018
  • Title: Integrating First Year 数学 and Physics through a problem-based modeling course. 2017
  • Getting into Graduate School Seminar 2016
  • Title: Low Regularity local and global solutions of the generalized MHD equation 2016
  • Title: Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities 2015
  • Getting into Graduate School Seminar 2015
  • Title: Low Regularity Global solutions to a generalized Leray-alpha equation 2015
  • Title: Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunities 2014


  • Haddix President's Faculty Research Fund

  • CURAS Faculty Research Fund