迈克尔 A . Belshan博士



M Belshan


医学微生物学 & 免疫学

迈克尔 A . Belshan博士



我的基础研究兴趣是病毒与宿主细胞的相互作用, specifically related to the replication 和发病机制 of the lentivirus subfamily of retroviruses. Members of this subfamily include the human 和 simian immunodeficiency viruses (HIV 和 SIV, 分别). I have a broad background in molecular virology 和 extensive experience studying retroviruses including an established record of productive research projects in retroviral studies, 包括分子病毒学, 蛋白质组学研究, 和 在体外 药物测试. 我在分子病毒学方面也有经验, 包括逆转录病毒和慢病毒基因传递系统以及RNAi和CRISPR.

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我的基础研究兴趣是病毒与宿主细胞的相互作用. The majority of my work is related to the replication 和发病机制 of the lentivirus subfamily of retroviruses, 包括人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)和猿猴免疫缺陷病毒(SIV). 然而,我在病毒学、分子生物学和组学研究方面有广泛的背景. I have worked in the field of virology for over 25 years 和 have an established record of productive research in the areas of molecular virology, 宿主的相互作用, 病毒进化, 蛋白质组学研究, 以及体外药物测试.

HIV是获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)的病原体。. HIV感染是无法治愈的, but treatment with a combination of anti-retroviral drugs can reduce virus replication to undetectable levels 和 forestall disease progression. 然而,对现有抗逆转录病毒疗法的耐药性仍然令人担忧. Continued success in the repression of HIV replication in infected individuals will require the development of new inhibitors that are effective against drug-resistant strains of virus. Drugs that target novel areas of virus replication have the greatest probability to be effective against such viruses.

My laboratory seeks to comprehend poorly understood aspects of HIV replication by discovery of novel 宿主的相互作用 using systems biology approaches. 最终目标是确定抗病毒治疗的新靶点. HIV复制的所有区域都有潜在的细胞靶标, 包括病毒脱衣, 预集成复合体(PIC)的装配和运输, 病毒转录调控, 病毒的组装和释放.

  • 组学研究鉴定新的病毒-宿主相互作用.
  • 促进HIV复制的新型宿主细胞因子的表征, 延迟, 和发病机制.
  • HIV复制、潜伏期和发病机制的分子生物学
  • 在体外 药物测试.
My laboratory is affiliated with the Nebraska Center for 病毒学 a Center of Biomedical Research Excellence formed in the fall of 2000 under the National 研究院 of Health Institutional Development Award program. 该中心与皇冠体育博彩大学的病毒学项目有联系, 内布拉斯加大学林肯分校, 和 the University of Nebraska 地中海ical Center 和 conducts innovative research that addresses fundamental questions about the pathogenesis 和 replication of diverse viral agents that effect human, 动物, 植物健康.


地中海. 微生物学 & 免疫学



  • 生物医学研究参考模块
  • 生物医学研究参考模块
  • 生物医学研究参考模块


  • 科瓦洛娃·玛蒂娜,对2015年的修正


  • HGG的进步
    农夫乔斯林·N, Targeted sequencing for hereditary breast 和 ovarian cancer in BRCA1/2-negative families from the Lynch Memorial Biobank reveals complex genetic architecture 和 phenocopies, p. 100306 - 100306 2024
  • HGG的进步
    Matoy Evanjalina J.,体外数据表明PMS2 Kozak序列突变在Lynch综合征风险中的作用,p. 100298 - 100298 2024
  • 自然通讯
    邓思路, Cryptosporidium uses CSpV1 to activate host type I interferon 和 attenuate antiparasitic defenses
    14:1, p. 1456 - 17 2023
  • 纳米材料
    M和al Subhra,靶向免疫抗逆转录病毒促进对艾滋病毒的双重保护
    12:11 2022
  • 微生物学前沿
    Siedlik Jacob A., Epidemiologic 和 Genomic Analysis of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 Epidemic in the Nebraska Region of the United States, 2020年3月- 2021
    13 2022
  • 蛋白质组学
    mcur Katarzyna, SWATH-MS和MRM
    21:15 2021
  • 病毒学
    558, p. 86 - 95 2021
  • 《皇冠体育博彩》
    左宗悦, Presence of antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) against SARS-CoV-2 in COVID-19 plasma
  • 生理上的报告
    霍尔布鲁克亚历山大K., CD4+ T cell activation 和 associated susceptibility to HIV-1 infection 在体外 increased following acute resistance exercise in human subjects
    7:18 2019
  • 抗病毒研究
    M和al Subhra, HIV-1感染的潜在长效比替格拉韦纳米药物递送系统
    167, p. 83 - 88 2019
  • 运动和锻炼的医学和科学
    50:5S, p. 4 2018
  • 运动和锻炼的医学和科学
    霍尔布鲁克亚历山大K.运动对CD4+ t细胞活化及其对HIV-1易感性的影响
    50:5S, p. 224 - 224 2018
  • 运动和锻炼的医学和科学
    比安奇·萨曼莎A., Cd28 Expression On Cd4+ T Cells Is Not Affected By Strenuous Exercise In Untrained Individuals
    50:5S, p. 473 - 473 2018
  • 运动和锻炼的医学和科学
    麦克唐纳布拉德W., CD4+ T Cell Activation Markers Altered Following Resistance Training In Untrained Subjects
    50:5S, p. 5 2018
  • 病毒学
    DeBoer Jason,用SWATH质谱分析hiv感染t细胞的蛋白质组学分析
    516, p. 246 - 257 2018
  • 抗菌药物和化疗
    M和al Subhra, An Enhanced Emtricitabine-Loaded Long-Acting Nanoformulation for Prevention Or Treatment of HIV Infection
    61, p. e01475 - 16 2017
  • 病毒学
    489, p. 282 - 291 2016
  • 蛋白质组学.临床应用
    10:2, p. 156 - 163 2016
  • 病毒
    NF45和NF90结合HIV-1 RNA调控HIV基因表达
    8:2, p. (17页)2016
  • PLoS病原体
    Kovarova米., Nanoformulations of Rilpivirine for Topical Pericoital 和 Systemic Coitus-Independent Administration Efficiently Prevent HIV Transmission
    11:8, p. (19页)2015
  • 生物医学纳米技术杂志
    日期:Abhijit., Thermosensitive Gel Containing Cellulose Acetate Phthalate-Efavirenz Combination Nanoparticles for Prevention of HIV-1 Infection
    11:3, p. 416 - 427 2015
  • 病毒学
    DeBoer Jason, HIV-1感染t细胞核蛋白质组的改变
    468-470, p. 409 - 420 2014
  • 病毒学
    Sanford Bridget Lanelle, Deletions in the fifth alpha helix of HIV-1 matrix block virus release
    468–470, p. 293 - 302 2014
  • 艾滋病研究和人类逆转录病毒
    柴田安玛丽, Erratum: Polymeric Nanoparticles Containing Combination Antiretroviral Drugs for HIV Type 1 Treatment (艾滋病研究和人类逆转录病毒 (2013) 29:5 DOI: 10.1089 /援助.2012.0301))
    29:7, p. 1095 2013
  • Retrovirology
    杰拉德安娜贝拉, Identification of low molecular weight nuclear complexes containing integrase during the early stages of HIV-1 infection
    10:1 2013
  • 蛋白质组学研究杂志
    12:2, p. 559 - 572 2013
  • 艾滋病研究和人类逆转录病毒
    柴田安玛丽, 含有联合抗逆转录病毒药物的聚合纳米颗粒用于1型艾滋病毒治疗
    29:5, p. 746 - 754 2013
  • 病毒学杂志 & 抗病毒研究
    1:1 2012
  • 《皇冠体育博彩》
    7:7, p. e40537 2012
  • Retrovirology
    9, p. 32 - 32 2012
  • 抗病毒研究
    日期:Abhijit., Development 和 evaluation of a thermosensitive vaginal gel containing raltegravir + efavirenz loaded nanoparticles for HIV prophylaxis
    96:3, p. 430 - 436 2012
  • 病毒学方法杂志
    171:1, p. 299 - 302 2011
  • 抗菌化疗杂志
    65:10, p. 2183 - 2187 2010
  • 病毒学方法杂志
    159:2, p. 178 - 184 2009
  • 病毒学杂志
    程于宁波, Hsp40 facilitates nuclear import of the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 Vpx-mediated preintegration complex
    82:3, p. 1229 - 1237 2008
  • 病毒学
    Mahnke Lisa A.HIV-2 Vpx的建模和插入突变分析
    348:1, p. 165 - 174 2006
  • 病毒学杂志
    李宰亨, Characterization of functional domains of equine infectious anemia virus Rev suggests a bipartite RNA-binding domain
    80:8, p. 3844 - 3852 2006
  • 病毒学
    Belshan迈克尔, Conserved amino acids of the human immunodeficiency virus type 2 Vpx nuclear localization signal are critical for nuclear targeting of the viral preintegration complex in non-dividing cells
    346:1, p. 118 - 126 2006
  • 病毒学杂志
    Baccam Prasith, Subpopulations of Equine Infectious Anemia Virus Rev Coexist In Vivo 和 Differ in Phenotype
    77:22, p. 12122 - 12131 2003
  • 病毒学
    Belshan迈克尔, 人类免疫缺陷病毒2型Vpx核定位信号的鉴定
    311:1, p. 7 - 15 2003
  • 病毒学
    Belshan迈克尔, Genetic 和 biological variation in equine infectious anemia virus Rev correlates with variable stages of clinical disease in an experimentally infected pony
    279:1, p. 185 - 200 2001
  • 分子与细胞生物学
    Belshan迈克尔, Binding of equine infectious anemia virus Rev to an exon splicing enhancer mediates alternative splicing 和 nuclear export of viral mRNAs
    20:10, p. 3550 - 3557 2000
  • 病毒学杂志
    Belshan迈克尔, Biological characterization of Rev variation in equine infectious anemia virus
    72:5, p. 4421 - 4426 1998


  • 艾滋病毒:寻求治愈2018
  • CypB刺激HIV感染
  • TM261:病毒研究导致误入歧途2015
  • 蛋白质组学方法研究hiv -宿主相互作用2014
  • HIV-1感染Jurkat t细胞的SWATH-MS分析
  • Inbre学生Jessica Haight在Gr和 Isl和, NE 2006

  • 青年研究者奖
  • 卓越研究奖


  • 传染病科学主任
    Nebraska Institutional Development 奖 (IDeA) Networks of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE Program)
    2021 - 2025