实习 and 出国留学 at Creighton


在皇冠体育博彩, you’ll find plenty of ways to expand your horizons and gain skills that will set you up for personal and professional success. Choose from a wide range of study abroad options to experience a different culture, hone your foreign language skills and make global connections. Take advantage of internship opportunities in Omaha and beyond to expand your resume and your knowhow. With the support of the Creighton community behind you, you can gain experiences to soar.


学生 interview video on 出国留学


The diversity of our experiences shape who we become. Taking part in a study abroad program can help you elevate your worldview, form lifelong friendships and think globally. Find a transformative study abroad experience at Creighton.  

You can opt to spend a semester abroad, go for a full year or join a faculty-led summer program. All three options are offered through Creighton, so you can keep your scholarships while you study elsewhere. We partner closely with a wide variety of institutions to offer high-quality opportunities. 学生s pay tuition and fees (and sometimes food and housing) to Creighton and receive the equivalent abroad.

You’ll find opportunities in countries such as:


Additional options are available, and students can even work with an advisor to pursue opportunities outside of our current offerings.

Access 实习 That Prepare

Landing a great internship can help you build your resume or explore a career field. Creighton’s 职业中心 is focused on helping you find the best opportunities locally and beyond. 学生s can access the 职业中心’s internship listings—there are more listings than students—get expert advice on their resumes or brush up on interview skills.

Four Fortune 500 company headquarters are located within walking distance of our campus, and nearly 100 Fortune 1000 firms have operations in our city. That means great opportunities for internships right here in Omaha, and the 职业中心 also has connections with companies across the country and the world.

No matter your career plans (or even if you’re unsure), Creighton will help you find the experience you need to get ready for your next step. It’s all part of how Creighton helps you make the most of your time in college.

统计500 +

Bluejays 出国留学 Each Year

统计50 +

出国留学 位置 访问ed Annually


of undergrads complete at least one internship or research project

统计10 k +

实习 listed on our career management system